Channel: Lance Wallnau | Right Wing Watch
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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Cynthia Dunbar Is One Of Us

  • Lance Wallau reports that he recently spoke with Cynthia Dunbar, who is running for Congress in Virginia, and that he likes her a lot because she “is one of us.”
  • Larry Tomczak says that he serves as “a public-policy adviser with Mat Staver at Liberty Counsel,” which was news to us.
  • Dave Daubenmire will take President Trump over President Obama any day: “How can one forget his flip-flopping on traditional marriage and the lighting of the White House in the colors of the rainbow when the diabolical Oberkfell [sic] decision was shoved up the hind ends of God fearing American moms and pops?”
  • Linda Harvey claims that “in today’s school climate, if anyone has a genuine right to feel threatened, it would be Christian kids.”
  • Finally, we hate to break it to Liz Crokin, but that is not Marina Abramovic.

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: Trump Is A Prophet

  • Rabbi Daniel Lapin thinks that the fact that the Post Office doesn’t deliver mail on Sunday is proof that America is a Christian nation.
  • Robert Jeffress is thrilled with President Trump so far: “Sure, some people want to ding him about the language, or this or that, but if you look at his policies—and I think that’s what we have to look at—I think his first year has been a tremendous success.”
  • Vice President Mike Pence says that the reports that Trump had an adulterous affair with a porn actress are “baseless allegations.”
  • Lance Wallnau says that “Trump is a prophet. He is a business prophet and God has anointed him for government.”
  • Finally, Austin Ruse paraphrases former Louisiana governor Edwin Edwards’ famous statement claiming that the only way he could lose an election was “if I’m caught in bed with a dead girl or a live boy” to amazingly explain the Religious Right’s support of Trump:

Lance Wallnau: FISA Memo Is God’s Blessing On Trump For Moving The Embassy To Jerusalem


Yesterday, right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau streamed a video on Periscope in which he suggested that a classified congressional memo purporting to prove that the investigation into Russian interference with the 2016 presidential election was a sham designed solely to destroy President Trump is being revealed now because God is blessing Trump for moving the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem.

“Isaiah 45 is the prophecy for Trump’s administration,” Wallnau said. “It says that God has anointed Trump as a Cyrus and that he will expose his enemies, [that] those that are weaponized against him will have their belts removed, meaning they will lose their offensive capacity and be exposed. Isaiah 45 talks about the treasures that are hidden in darkness. It could be that there is a treasure that is going to work in the president’s favor hidden in darkness.”

Wallnau then insisted that “this is all related, in timing, to the president’s endorsement of Israel and the moving of the capital.”

“It’s a reason why God is blessing the administration of Donald Trump,” he said. “Because his decisions are, as Isaiah says, for the sake of my people and Israel. Powerful stuff.”

Lance Wallnau: Trump Was Casting Out Demons When He Booted A CNN Reporter From The Oval Office


Yesterday, right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau sat down for an interview with Ben Bergquam of Frontline America, during which he asserted that when President Trump ordered CNN’s Jim Acosta out of the Oval Office last week, he was exercising his spiritual authority to cast out demons.

Wallnau said that during the 2016 presidential election, he noticed that the campaign rallies of candidates like Marco Rubio and Ted Cruz were not being disrupted by protesters because “the devil wasn’t manifesting at those meetings.” By contrast, he said, “people that were working together at a level of evil” were routinely disrupting Trump rallies in an effort to intimidate his supporters.

Trump refused to back down to such bullying tactics, Wallnau said, “because there is a deliverance anointing on him for America.”

“What do you do when demons are manifesting?” he said. “You cast them out. He just cast out Jim Acosta last week. It was hilarious. He points at him and goes, ‘Out!’ One word—’Out!’—and security escorts the journalist out. It’s a deliverance anointing. He has got a Samson’s prophet anointing to deal with the Philistines. Any threat to God’s purpose for America and Israel, this guy will go and unhinge the gates because he has got a Samson-like anointing.”

“When you got that going on, why do you want to be a critic of him?” Wallnau asked. “Why do you want to be small-minded and pick on his Samson tweets? I could care less. He is not an elegant Isaiah prophet.”

Lance Wallnau: Dimwitted Christians Who Are Embarrassed By Trump Don’t Realize He’s A Prophet Who Is Doing A Brilliant Job


Over the weekend, right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau streamed a video on Periscope in which he likened President Trump to Samson and conservative Christians to those who marched for civil rights with Martin Luther King Jr.

“Donald Trump is the rough prophet from the secular caves that came out in order to say, ‘To hell with public opinion and the media, I am going to do what I know is right and I’m going to say what I know is true,'” Wallnau said. “Meanwhile, we have our dimwitted, rank-and-file leadership in the church that is constantly embarrassed over something he did. Well, guess what? If I was Newsweek or if I was National Esquire [sic], I would probably do a whole bunch of articles on Samson and his torrid history with Philistine babes—still doesn’t mean he ain’t anointed and he’ll take out those Philistines.”

Wallnau insisted that “Trump is actually doing a brilliant job at everything he is doing” and that it is up to conservative Christians to publicly and boldly rally behind him.

“Listen, Martin Luther King did not make progress for the African-American community by revival meetings in his church,” he said. “He actually made progress by a bus boycott and he had to take his prophetic message out to the streets where it elicited the violent opposition of people who were demonized in their prejudice.”

Christians must likewise mobilize today, Wallnau said, “and let’s let the malice and the insanity of the Antifas of this world, the Soros-funded loony bin, let them show up in the public square like the dogs and the hoses that went after the African-American community who were simply singing hymns and praying and standing for their rights. We should not allow our freedoms to be so easily gobbled up by the counterfeit religion of progressive leftism, which is communism.”

Lance Wallnau: God Allowed Antonin Scalia To Die In Order To Motivate People To Vote For Trump


Right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau posted a video on his Facebook page last night in which he suggested that God allowed the late Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia to die before the 2016 presidential election in order to motivate conservatives and Christians to vote for Donald Trump.

Wallnau said that Scalia was “the one verifiable Christian on the Supreme Court filled with vim and vigor, articulate, engaging, witty, powerful and a force to be reckoned with,” and that his death made Christian voters realize that “we can’t afford to lose a conservative because [the court] already has a preponderance of liberals on it.”

“Look how brilliant God is,” Wallnau said. “The Lord controls life and death. It’s possible that if Antonin Scalia had lived, the urgency to support this president and his nominations might not have been so strong. You might have had Hillary Clinton in the White House and you might have had maybe three appointments made during the next four years, during the next three years, who knows? Two appointments for sure—we already got one.”

“You could have had Clinton making the appointments and then the balance of power would have overpowered a Scalia vote on the Supreme Court,” he added. “All that I’m saying is we don’t always see the long-term picture, but it could be that the Lord in His infinite insight saw that Scalia, him being a loss, might be the event that motivated the majority of people to show up. I think that Trump is that important and Hillary Clinton would have been that disastrous that it’s a major game of chess going on in the spirit realm over how things happen.”

Virginia Congressional Candidate Cynthia Dunbar Tells Far-Right Preacher God Didn’t Intend Government To Care For The Needy


On Wednesday, Religious Right activist Cynthia Dunbar joined Donald Trumpobsessed right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau for a Facebook discussion of her campaign for Congress in Virginia.

During the discussion, Dunbar explained that congressional candidates in Virginia are chosen not by primary elections but rather by nominating conventions organized by the political parties. As such, Dunbar said, it is very easy for conservative Christians to have a dramatic influence on picking the Republican Party’s nominees because instead of candidates needing to convince enough voters to support them to win the primary, candidates simply need to stack the convention with delegates who will vote for them.

“This is a race that could be completely controlled by the Christian vote,” Dunbar said. “There could be theoretically only two to three thousand people showing up—they have to pre-file to be a delegate—but if they pre-file to be a delegate and show up at the convention and vote, you could have, if you have a majority vote, it could be only 1,000 to 2,000 people, 1,500 people, actually selecting the next congressman in the Sixth [District].”

Dunbar, who has been campaigning with Sen. Ted Cruz’s father Rafael Cruz, said that her district is so conservative that whoever wins the Republican nomination is almost guaranteed to be elected to Congress and “so it could be very, very much controlled by the Christians.”

Dunbar went on to share her view that the proper biblical role for government is that it should have no role in providing for those in need, as that is a task that God has assigned to the church.

“We have to realize that when we hand that [task] over to an ungodly government, without a heart, without a soul, that is not how God intended it to be done,” she said.

Wallnau agreed, saying that when you allow the government to expand beyond the sphere assigned to it by God, “you are actually empowering darkness to have authorization to control your life.”

Lance Wallnau: Don’t Worry About The Stock Market Since God Will Ensure America Prospers Under Trump


Right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau streamed a video on Periscope last night in which he told viewers not to worry about the large decline in the stock market yesterday because there is no way that God will allow the United States to suffer as long as President Trump is in office.

“Don’t worry about it,” Wallnau said. “Don’t you be worried, don’t you be concerned. Donald Trump is the president of the United States, there ain’t no way—that guy, as long as he is in office, this country is going to prosper, I tell you that, because God is going to give him the treasures of darkness and hidden riches in secret places. That man is a Cyrus in office … you are not going to have to worry about the United States.”

“What you have got to worry about,” he said, “is the crazy, lunatic left that wants to take him out. I think it’s witchcraft, I think there is a mind-binding and a mind-control over journalists, leftists activists and half the Democratic Party.”

Wallnau said that “probably 90 percent of academia and media and Hollywood” has given itself over demonic spirits and now “these people can’t see truth.”

Melania Trump’s White House Exorcism And The Far-Right’s Thirst For Trump Fan-Fic


Last Tuesday, we posted what we thought was a funny story from the weird fringes of the far-right media: An Indiana pastor named Paul Begley, appearing on a podcast hosted by bizarre conspiracy theorist Sheila Zilinksy, had claimed that First Lady Melania Trump refused to move into the White House until it had been “completely exorcised.”

There was no reason to believe that Begley’s story was true or that he was in any position to know about the first lady’s spiritual housecleaning practices. But then the far-right took the story at face value, and things got really weird.

Begley’s story was picked up by CNS News and quickly made its way to the likes of American Family Radio and Infowars, who took it as yet another reason to celebrate the Trumps. Infowars presenter Owen Shroyer suggested that Begley’s story somehow discredits the “pee tape” rumor and added that the whole thing symbolizes “that Donald Trump and Melania Trump understand that this is more than a political battle, more than an earthly battle, but a spiritual battle.” AFR’s Bryan Fischer declared that the first lady was very right to remove from the White House the “demons” left by Barack and Michelle Obama.

In a statement to CNS News, Begley said that the supposed exorcism was revealed to him by “a close source to those working in the White House.”

Eventually the story became so widespread in far-right media that the Associated Press actually asked the first lady’s office about it and were told that the story was “not true in any way.” The AP ran an article with the absurdly improbable headline “First Lady Did Not Hire Exorcist for White House.”

We originally posted the story about Begley’s claim because it was a particularly colorful example of a genre we’ve been seeing over the last few years: Trump-finds-God fan fiction.

Some Religious Right leaders, like the Family Research Council’s Tony Perkins, have been very upfront about the “transactional” nature of the movement’s relationship with President Trump. Some have looked to the Bible for stories of ungodly leaders raised up by God as a way to justify a supposedly pious movement’s embrace of a morally flawed candidate.

But some on the Religious Right have gone to great lengths to portray the president as one of their own. During the presidential campaign, rumors circulated among Trump’s “spiritual advisors” and those close to them that Trump was forming a personal relationship with Christ. Evangelist Franklin Graham even said that Trump may have given his heart to Christ at his father Billy Graham’s 95th birthday party.

The stories of Trump’s piety continued through his first year in office. Paula White, who is one of Trump’s closest spiritual advisers, told televangelist Jim Bakker in August that Trump’s judicial nominations were facing resistance from demons but they weren’t succeeding because “principalities cannot control this man because he surrounds himself with Christians, he is a Christian, he loves prayer.” Frank Amedia, who had served as a volunteer faith liaison on Trump’s campaign, said in July that Trump “receives downloads that now he’s beginning to understand come from God.” Earlier this month, former congresswoman Michele Bachmann said of Trump, “He’s lived a wild life, but this is a guy who has respect for God. First and foremost, he has respect for God. I have been in the Oval Office, I put my hands on him, I’ve prayed over this man. He asks for prayer, his whole family asks for prayer, that’s because they understand the importance of God and they respect God.”

Others have predicted that the president, even if he is not yet a true believer, will soon be transformed by an encounter with God.

And then there are those who allege that whatever the president’s personal spiritual beliefs, the first lady is already a fellow traveler. Right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau has claimed that Trump decided to run for office after God spoke to Melania. Bill Hamon, part of the New Apostolic Reformation movement of modern-day prophets and apostles, has said that the first lady “is a spiritual woman and she felt God told her that [Trump] would win if he’d run.”

Throughout Obama’s presidency, the far-right justified their animosity toward him by, in part, claiming that he was secretly Muslim or just not a real Christian. Now, the Religious Right fringes are performing the reverse trick with Trump, justifying their support for a man who allegedly paid tens of thousands of dollars in hush money to cover up an affair with a porn actress by claiming that he has found, or is in the process of personally finding God.

Paul Begley’s insistance that Melania had rid the White House of demons showed how these Trump-finds-God stories have spread through the pro-Trump media and the fringes of the Religious Right. The fact that the far-right media took the story at face value—to the point that the first lady’s office had to rebut it—shows just how much power that narrative has.


Right Wing Bonus Tracks: America Doesn’t Have Any People That We Can Waste

  • Ben Carson says that America must end its homelessness problem because, unlike India and China, we don’t have any people to waste: “We need to realize in our nation, we only have 330 million people. And we have to compete with India and China, who have four times that many people, which means we need to develop all of our people, we don’t have any people that we can waste.”
  • Lance Wallnau says that the BBC and CNN are “the broadcasting stations of the spirit of Leviathan and mind control.”
  • Mike Cernovich elaborates what his imaginary run for Congress would look like, which includes a “Big Brother style campaign house” and loads of live video: “No secret meetings with donors. Every meeting is stream lived. There’s nothing we need to discuss in “private” during a campaign … We would live stream 24/7 from the House, and people could ask questions and watch us discuss strategy live.”
  • Gordon Klingenschmitt says that now that President Trump “is a new Christian, we need to hold him to a higher standard.”
  • The former Twitter account associated with Turning Point USA’s Kent State chapter that disbanded yesterday, citing a lack of support while the club was being publicly ridiculed after a protest involving a diaper-clad lad, has been suspended from Twitter after a post that said TPUSA founder Charlie Kirk “should’ve been the one in the diaper.”
  • Finally, Dave Daubenmire says that there is “something deeply, deeply, deeply evil going on” in the Obamas’ official portraits, which is to be expected because “Barack Obama is demonically charged.”

Lance Wallnau Cackles With Glee That Olympians Who Criticized Trump Were Punished By God


Last night, right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau posted a video on his Facebook page in which he cackled with glee over the fact that several American Olympic athletes who had criticized President Trump failed to win medals, claiming that they were being punished by God.

Reading an article from The Daily Wire that suggested that these athletes had been “cursed” for disrespecting Trump, Wallnau chortled that “it is odd that all these athletes who dissed President Trump went on to lose. Don’t they know by now that if they just support him, they would have so much winning that they’ll get bored with it?”

“This president is anointed,” Wallnau said. “He is anointed and he is appointed and I pray for him because why in the world should he have to suffer this kind of perpetual disrespect and dishonor? He hasn’t done anything. It’s the crazy liberal media, the Democratic media is off it’s flippin’ rocker.”

Wallnau went on to pray that Trump will be protected from the left, which is “volatile and vitriolic and incendiary and insane.”

“Father, we pray for the president and we thank you for him,” Wallnau said. “[We pray] that there is no enemy that will be able to succeed again him and that you will expose the conspiracies of those that are trying to defraud him of his service to this country.”

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Right Wing Bonus Tracks: The Left’s Hitler Youth

  • Lance Wallnau insists that he didn’t mean to liken students marching for gun control to the Brownshirts, but merely that the left is “trying to turn our sons and daughters into their ‘Hitler Youth.'”
  • Representatives of the American Family Association were on hand when Mississippi Gov. Phil Bryant recently signed the state’s radical abortion ban into law.
  • Dave Daubenmire says that his tinfoil hat is buzzing over various recent events: “Something nefarious is at work as the workers of inequity are trying to do something and we’re missing it. I don’t even know what I’m missing, but I’m missing something.”
  • Peter LaBarbera is urging people to “pray for Cynthia Nixon, that she repents and leaves this proud, addictive sin behind, as countless women (and men) have, many through a born-again relationship with Jesus Christ. He can wipe her slate clean, although surely she would pay a hefty worldly price.”
  • Finally, Dan Fisher says that if he is elected governor of Oklahoma, he will travel to the district of every state legislator who refuses to support his plan to completely abolish abortion in the state and urge voters to remove them from office.

Lance Wallnau: White House Chaos Is Actually ‘The Rapid Decision Making Of A General In The Field’


During the “Truth and Liberty Coalition” livestream program earlier this week, right-wing preacher Lance Wallnau insisted that what outsiders may see as chaos in the Trump administration is actually entirely intentional on the part of President Trump, who, like General Patton during World War II, is using the appearance of chaos to systematically defeat his enemies.

Co-host Paul Milligan said that America needed a “chaos president” because “it was impossible to bring about the kind of change that was necessary in our government and in this nation without creating chaos,” therefore all the chaos that we are seeing should give Christians hope because “God is more interested in what happens to this nation than Donald Trump is.”

“It’s not chaos,” replied Wallnau, asserting that Trump’s ability to “shake things up” has allowed him to “reach around the system” and get “into the head space of Kim Jong [Un] in North Korea, who basically said, ‘I can work with this guy, I think this is a person I can actually work with.'”

Trump is displaying “the rapid decision making of a general in the field,” Wallnau said. “You know, Patton won his victories because he was on the offense constantly. It may have looked like chaos if you were a German, but from the American side, it was movement, movement, movement, movement, taking ground. That is exactly the kind of CEO Trump is.”

Right Wing Bonus Tracks: A March For Eternal Life

  • Rep. Louie Gohmert has introduced a resolution that would would declare March 31, which is Cesar Chavez’s birthday, to be “National Border Control Day.”
  • Lance Wallnau loves Gohmert: “If I ever run for Congress it will be in this guys [sic] district – after he retires. He talks like I would if I was a politician.”
  • Pastor Robert Jeffress is organizing a “March for Eternal Life” through the streets of Dallas on Palm Sunday: “For the last 60 years, secularists have been on a crusade to eliminate any acknowledgment of God from the public square, and the result has been disastrous for our country … It is time for this public shaming of Christians to end, and this Sunday night’s march — which marks the beginning of the Christian Holy Week — is an opportunity for believers to publicly celebrate the message of Christ.”
  • Liberty Counsel is encouraging its followers not to buy Girl Scout cookies because Girl Scouts USA “promotes abortion and sexual promiscuity to innocent girls.”
  • Finally, Jack Cashill complains that the media is spending too much time covering the Stormy Daniels story and ignoring Larry Sinclair’s assertions that he had a gay encounter with Barack Obama.
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